Dall'Era world

Dall'Era world

Jan 26, 2021

New machinery for product diversification and expansion

Through the support of Axis I in favor of growth and employment, the company initiates a "Project for the implementation of an innovative production process for diversification and the production of new products"

Customization on drawing

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New machinery for product diversification and expansion

New machinery for product diversification and expansion with improvement in overall quality. This is the main objective of an innovation path undertaken by Dall'Era Valerio, promoted and financially supported by some institutional partners including the Lombardy Region. A virtuous process possible thanks to the POR FESR 2014-2020 to increase innovation and business competitiveness. So, the project presented by Dall'Era Valerio was evaluated as suitable and includes a firm commitment of the company in increasing production quality. This results in an even better performing product range. A result possible thanks to the choral commitment between institutions and the company, financing a brand new production line.

Improvements in the area of quality

The innovation project that Dall'Era Valerio has been engaged in allows a decisive leap forward on several fronts. First among these is production quality. In fact, thanks to the strengthening of the production line of brass bodies and fittings through 3 transfer machines, we are able to provide even more laborious and complex processing. That is, one more piece added to the delicate process of Quality management. The 3 transfer machines are BTB and Tecnotransfer with 27 units and rotating vices that provide 360° mobility of the machined part.

Greater diversification in the customization of more complex brass bodies and fittings

In addition to quality, the improvement is also reflected in the range of brass fittings. Transfer 4.0 machinery allows the creation of new shapes of even more complex nuts, bodies and fittings. Dall'Era Valerio is thus at the forefront of the production range of brass nuts, bodies and fittings according to customer drawings. An even more complex customization, achieving high efficiency and quality especially for the most complex fittings. All this to meet the needs of international customers, located in 31 countries to which Dall'Era Valerio has been exporting for years.

The structural funds por fesr 2014-2020 priority axis

The expansion of the production line was co-financed by the Lombardy Region through the "LINEA INNOVATION" call for proposals and by the ROPs, European Union programs designed to promote investment through specific funds. The 2014-2020 ERDF ROPs are structural funds that help companies in the economic and employment growth of the production fabric and the propensity for innovation. Cohesion policy implemented through structural funds is an important means of investment by the European Union.
