Dall'Era world

Dall'Era world

Nov 3, 2020

Valerio's Dall'Era has long adhered to the "I pay suppliers" campaign.

Regional Tg3 interview with president Pierdomenico Dall'Era

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Dall'Era Valerio has long adhered to the "I pay suppliers" campaign

The Dall'Era Valerio has adhered since its launch in the spring to the "I pay suppliers" campaign by Confindustria Brescia. In March, the Industrial Association of Brescia had urged all members to meet their contractual obligations by promoting a poster designed by Alfredo Rabaiotti of Becom.
Our company had been one of the first to publicize the initiative. Supported with strength and conviction to contribute concretely to not make the period even more uncertain. A choice of social responsibility in line with a company policy based on respect for labor and contractual agreements.

Regional Tg3 interview with Pierdomenico Dall'Era, among the first to join

Regional Tg3 recently wanted to hear the voice of those among the first to join. A topic that is becoming topical again. In the interview with Pierdomenico Dall'Era, president of the Dall'Era Valerio Group, the importance of proper management of the supplier-customer relationship is once again evident. Not to interrupt this relationship of trust that exists between companies is a necessity for everyone. As also reiterated by Paolo Streparava, vice-president of Confindustria Brescia, failure to meet contractual terms is creating and will increasingly create a lack of liquidity that translates into a reduction in companies' operational capacity.

A campaign joined by hundreds of companies

The campaign, strongly advocated by Confindustria Brescia, has been met in the weeks and months since its March launch with growing support. Hundreds of companies of all sizes have embraced a simple policy, pay suppliers and pay them within the contractual terms. The campaign has also found support from Confindustria Lombardia and Craft and Professional Associations. The goal is to ensure that the economic and production system does not suffer further damage caused by a severely compromised macroeconomic situation. A decision that today regains strength and importance. Those in a position to do so are right to make a concrete contribution to the liquidity needs of businesses. It is right not to interrupt that chain of payments that make the circulation of economies possible.

A tangible sign of a healthy relationship between principals and suppliers

The manifesto signed by Dall'Era Valerio states that respecting the payment terms agreed upon with one's suppliers is a tangible sign of the civic and entrepreneurial sense of those who do business. Diligence, fairness and good faith between the parties are fundamental to building a healthy relationship between principals and suppliers. On the contrary, even small outstanding payments are a wound in the economic and social fabric, weakening the structure and relationships.
